Sunday, March 30, 2008

KITE Case Study: 6129-1

Examine the KITE case: 6129-1. Then post ideas for adaptations that can be made to the case. These adaptations can include teacher experiences based on the case, changes to make the case better meet local state standards, added information that could improve the case usability, suggestions for combining cases, or any other information the participants would find useful.

Thank you for your participation! (To post your comment, click the comments link right below the next line. You can post as an anonymous user. But please indicate which university you are from.)

1 comment:

joycarlisle said...

Case Number:6129-1. The IDEA of the students learning from the computer exercises is great, but from my reading, it felt as if the teacher was of little value. I do agree with technology, teacher as facilitator, and students being responsible for their learning, but why would they need to come to the classroom to do this work, if they could just do it on their laptops at home? The activity is merely the students enter the classroom and get to work on the laptops doing assignments from Carnegie Learning. It seems to me that technology should SUPPLEMENT not replace the teacher. And with this kind of classroom, is the assessment purely what Carnegie evaluates on; what about sharing experiences and communicating with classmates??

Marilyn from UNLV