Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Call for user studies on CBR

Case-based reasoning systems are increasingly common on the Web. However, most studies on case-based reasoning have been system-based design research focusing on the functional capability and implementation. CBR research has traditionally focused on the theories and heuristics of case representation, retrieval, reuse, revision, and retention. According to Jonassen & Erdelez (2005), empirical research on the use of case-based reasoning in the form of case libraries are rare. Little attention has been given to user studies of CBR systems including user training, users’ mental models, and interaction with the systems.

More empirical research need to be done to systematically investigate people’s experiences in using case-based reasoning systems. Many CBR systems could gain wider acceptance if adequate considerations are given to the interaction between the system and the user.


Jonassen, D.H., & Erdelez, S. (2005). Usability of case libraries by teachers. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 22(2), 67-74.

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